Sunday, 22 July 2012

Solution for 21 July cryptic crossword clue

Have dealings with one spiteful woman in kibbutz (11)
Solution – communicate

The clue splits into two parts – have dealings with and one spiteful woman in kibbutz.

Starting with the second part, we have a container clue ie the words representing "one spiteful woman" are found "in" ie inside a word meaning "kibbutz".

A kibbutz is a type of commune found in Israel. 

One = i

Spiteful woman = cat ( a colloquial term for a woman I certainly wouldn't use)

So commun +i + cat + e = communicate which is one way to have dealings with someone

If you would like to remind yourself about the different cryptic clue types in cryptic crosswords, refer to the sidebar under the StumbleUpon button.

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