Tuesday 5 June 2012

Simple cooking tip – juicing lemons

Now, you all will know this already.  But for the less experienced cooks out there …

If you are going to juice a lemon, make sure you roll it round on the bench for a bit applying a tad of pressure before you juice it.  You will get much more juice out of the lemon.


  1. I never knew that. Thanks for sharing! And thanks for linking up to my blog hop!!

  2. Well, I knew that, and here is another tip: after you press it on the table and you cut it in half, use a fork to scoop inside it. The juice comes right out, no need for complicated lemon juice devices: just stab and rotate.

  3. this is one of those very helpful tips that i know, but forget to use often, sigh!

  4. Last time my brother-in-law was visiting he saw me doing this and asked "Why are you torturing that lemon?!" Once I explained it was to make it give up what it had in it, he understood. :) It's a great trick that everyone should know. BTW - thanks for your comment on my site. It helped me find you!


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